2,010 Trees – Actually Planting Them Green

If you read the Howard County Commission report or, many of the pages on this site, you will have heard from us that we think planting a tree is probably the single greatest thing you could do to help our environment. Trees help us with clean air, clean water, shade trees in our yards help keep our energy use low and they provide us with higher aesthetic environment and better quality of life.

This fact led us to create the 2,010 trees program. This program set up to give away native trees to residents so that they may plant them in their yards. As you are probably aware, this program was wildly successful and we gave away all 2,010 trees in less than 40 hours. Now on May 1, we will be distributing those trees.

Obviously, for this program to be truly successful, we are looking to make sure these trees get in the ground quickly and the proper planting and maintenance techniques are used. If you are the recipient of a tree please follow the planting and maintenance directions, located below, precisely. Actually, even if you are not a recipient of one of the 2,010 trees but you have a tree you are looking to plant – following these well crafted instructions (provided to us by the Howard County Extension Service). The Extension Service, by the way, is a fantastic resource for, not just tree planting, but all of your gardening and home landscaping needs.

Thanks again for all of you that participated and enjoy your trees!





Office of Environmental Sustainability staff