Nonprofit Properties

As a nonprofit, you can make a big impact on stormwater pollution by increasing the amount of stormwater runoff absorbed on your property. Plus, you'll also reduce your Watershed Protection Fee. When nonprofits become a partner with Howard County through our Nonprofit Watershed Protection Partnership, they can get a fee waiver by increasing stormwater management on their property. Howard County is offering funds through our Community Stormwater Partnership grant program, which is available to both nonprofits and HOA's, to help nonprofits and HOA properties implement on-the-ground stormwater practices. 

Nonprofits are eligible for the Nonprofit Watershed Protection Partnership which is designed to alleviate hefty stormwater fees. Once you complete a partnership agreement with the County, the County can conduct site assessments to provide on-site stormwater treatment opportunities to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP), which may be less than 100 percent of the total site's stormwater treatment needs given space limitations. The property owner agrees to implement identified practices and then 100% of the Watershed Protection Fee is credited to the owner. HOA’s are NOT eligible to become a partner but may apply for the Community Stormwater Partnership grant.

Howard County recognizes the unique challenges nonprofits and HOA’s have that may impact access to stormwater treatment and resources. The Office of Community Sustainability have provided grant opportunities for funding on-the-ground stormwater practices on nonprofit and HOA properties.

The Watershed Protection Fee aims to improve the water quality of streams and rivers in your neighborhood and the Chesapeake Bay by funding projects that treat Howard County stormwater runoff. All property owners are charged a fee based on the size of their property or the amount of impervious area on their property that allows untreated stormwater to flow off.  As of 2024 property tax bills, all non-residential properties, including nonprofits, are charged at a rate of $40 per 500 square feet of impervious surface based on aerial photography. However, the Water­shed Pro­tec­tion Fee leg­is­la­tion estab­lished a unique part­ner­ship pro­gram option for nonprofit prop­er­ties that reduces the finan­cial impact to the orga­ni­za­tion while also improv­ing stormwa­ter runoff con­trols on the property.

If you believe you were incorrectly assessed, complete the watershed protection fee request for adjustment, for billing adjustment consideration.